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¿Dónde ir a volar? ¿buscas a alguien de tu ciudad? ¿quieres quedar con tus amigos para ir a la ladera?... Fundado el 4 de Febrero de 2005.

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I will continue in English if you guys don't mind.

My colleague Corné at will be visiting an oldtimer scooter meeting in Gijòn shortly. He would like to do a bit of flying with a Swift and a Squall as well (both are e-planes). He has a few questions in this thread: ... panje.html

* Is 2.4GHz allowed (I guess it is).
* What 35MHz frequencies are allowed? Is 35MHz RC planes only or for boats and planes as well?
* Must he fly in designated areas or at a club?
* Any other rules/regulations he should keep in mind?

He will stay in Gijòn. Any good locations/clubs were he could fly?

Thank you very much for your answers.

Vriendelijke groeten ;) Ron van Sommeren
near Nijmegen, Netherlands
Última edición por ron_van_sommeren el Jue, 29 Abr 2010 1:02, editado 3 veces en total.
hello Ron, and welcome to our comunity.

I´ll try answer to your cuestions but my inglish isn´t very well.

the 2.4 ghz and 35 ghz are very good frequencies for planes and boats but, theoretically, the first is illegal used it (though it is very difficult that somebody detect it). The 2.4 ghz is better than 35 ghz to avoid possible interferences, but is the most expensive system.
You could fly BUT having care of that does not exist anybody it near (the basic procedure security), but the best is that you fly in a club.

I dont know Gijon places but i´m sure that somebody could show you a very good place for fly your rc plane :wink:

I expect to have answered your questions to you. A greeting
Good travel.
Hi, Ron. I'll try to complete the info provided by Chemole in the previous post. Hope you can understand me as my English sucks :oops:
* Is 2.4GHz allowed (I guess it is).
Talking about this topic equates in this forum to open a kind of Pandora's box :lol: It's been argued many times here; some people say it is legal and some people don't. My personal guess is that it is allegal, not illegal. The law seems ambiguous at this point, but the fact is that most of people is now flying 2.4GHz in Spain.
What 35MHz frequencies are allowed? Is 35MHz RC planes only or for boats and planes as well?
35.030 to 35.200 MHz are for sure allowed to fly R/C planes. Don't know for boats, but I think that they use the 40MHz band.
Must he fly in designated areas or at a club?
There's no need to fly at a club (slopers and FPVers often don't) but he (your friend) must keep in mind that in the event of an accident, he will have to assume the civil responsability for injuries caused, so maybe it can be interesting to have some insurance (about 60-70€ for a complete year)
*Any other rules/regulations he should keep in mind?
Recently a new law has been approved (Real Decreto 1919/2009), but I think that it only concerns to public R/C shows, so it doesn't apply to you.
He will stay in Gijòn. Any good locations/clubs were he could fly?
Some clubs near Gijón:

If I writed something wrong or missed anything, hope that any mate will correct me.

Let me know if you need more info.
At least, the swift is a glider, isn't it?

There's a great slope in Gijon: La campa Torres. Very famous in the city as public recreation area as well. Good idea to get in contact with clubplaneador's people.

There are many other great slopes in Asturias:

Your friend will enjoy his stay. And no worries about frecuencies. Until now, nobody cares about.

local slopes: ... _vuelo.htm
Hola, voy a responder en español porque el inglés desgraciadamente no lo domino :oops: .
Para practicar vuelo a vela existen en Gijón y sus alrededores multitud de laderas, la más accesible como comentan aquí es la Campa de Torres: ,desde la que se divisa la ciudad, el puerto y el parque de carbones. Tiene tres orientaciones para el vuelo: oeste, norte y este, con una zona común y excepcional para el aterrizaje.
En cuanto a las frecuencias, se puede volar en 35 mhz. y en 40.665 a 40.695 mhz. No es recomendable volar en 2,4 mhz. puesto que el puerto del Musel emite en esa frecuencia para sus comunicaciones y su alta potencia de emisión hace que las interferencias sean factibles.
Si os ponéis en contacto con nosotros vía MP os facilitamos nº de móvil para quedar, pues los fines de semana solemos ir a volar allí.
Un saludo!

Traducción automática al inglés:
Hi, I answer in Spanish because English domino unfortunately not: oops:.
To practice gliding there in Gijon and the surrounding crowd of slopes, the most accessible as discussed here is the Campa de Torres:, from which you can see the city The port and the coal yard. There are three guidelines for the flight west, north and east, with an exceptional common area and landing.
With regard to frequencies, you can fly in 35 mhz. and 40665-40695 MHz. It is recommended to fly at 2.4 mhz. since the port gives Musel at that frequency for its communications and high output power makes it feasible interference.
If you stand in touch with us by MP we facilitate mobile number to be, because on weekends we usually go to fly there.

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